Journey of those 2 letters (CA) from suffix to prefix

Every time in its time, every place in its place! 

I was a student, it did not happen! 

I was a daughter, it did not happen! 

I was an employee, it did not happen! 

I was an employee +wife +daughter in law, it did not happen! 

I was an employee +wife +daughter in law +mother, and it happened! 

As an individual you will have responsibilities to fulfill in different roles which you can’t escape from it. Roles and responsibility are directly proportional with time, your responsibilities keep growing as you keep moving in life, which occupies all your time and you will have all valid reasons to give up.

There are times, I took care of household chores, plate in hand eating, feeding baby and book on table studying…

It was never easy! I have fought with myself against the thought of giving up every time… 

Giving up was easy but holding on to it took lot of patience and perseverance from me… This journey has taught me lot more than curriculum… 

If I have to consolidate, I can only think of happy times and learning that happened throughout. Tough times come to go. When life gets tough, tough gets going. I am sure this is not the end nor it’s the beginning but it makes huge difference to life… 

My greatest support system was my husband who motivated me and pushed me every inch! 

I take this moment to express gratitude to each one who has been part of this journey and making it beautiful! 

And my thanks to my daughter, my lady luck, my lucky charm who brought all the luck that was missing all these years!

I am sharing this story just for you to know that when I could do it, then definitely you also can. When you are at the verge of quitting, ask a question to yourself “why did you hold on to it so far?”

I think answering this question to yourself will guide you on to the right path.

After all, every suffering is worth it when you see those 2 letters in front of your name as “CA”.

1 thought on “Journey of those 2 letters from suffix to prefix

  1. That was really inspiring one mam.

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